When the outside temperatures are high, please adjust your pets’ exercise accordingly, they can overheat quickly, especially the short-nosed dogs (think flat faces) such as Pugs and Bulldogs. Keep them in a cool area at the high temperature peaks of the day and exercise in early morning or evening when the temperatures are cooler. Also note the pavement can become very hot and easily burn paw pads.
Make sure when your pet is outside, it has access to shade and water always.
Heat stroke is a possibility in high temperatures. Signs may include excessive panting, dark or bright red gums and tongue, lethargy, stumbling, seizures, bloody vomiting and diarrhea and even coma. It can even effect the internal organs. If you suspect heat stroke, get emergency veterinary help immediately. You can initially try to cool your pet down by wetting your pet with cool water (not icy) by hosing, sponging down or submerging in a tub. But follow up directly with emergency help.
Pets with short-coated, light-colored, or thin fur can get sunburned. Monitor your pets’ sun exposure.
Many pets get summer haircuts. It is okay to clip longer hair, but please never shave your dog down. The layers of hair protect your dog from overheating and sunburns.
Fireworks and thunderstorms are very scary for many pets. If your pet is excessively frightened, talk to your veterinarian about the best options available to help keep your pet calm and safe. Also make sure your pets are secured during these times. Many pets when frightened could run away and become lost.
Swimming and boating are wonderful recreations for many dogs. Note that some dogs can develop ear infections, skin infections from wet fur, and swimmer’s tail can be brought on by swimming. Clean out your pet’s ears after swimming with an approved ear cleaner, and dry your dog off well to prevent skin infections. Take note that dogs should not drink sea water, it can make them ill as could some pond water. Make sure to bring along plenty of fresh drinking water. Be sure to use a dog approved life vest if you are bringing your dog out on a boat. Most dogs can swim, but could tire easily. Do not leave a pet unsupervised around a pool.
Continue to use approved flea, tick and heartworm medications monthly.
If your dog is very active in the summer, adjust their food amount accordingly to make sure they meet their caloric and nutritional needs.
Be mindful of summer foods, such as shish kebab and corn on the cob, around your pets. Dogs can quickly grab and ingest a piece which could cause damage or an obstruction (skewers, corn cob). Please keep them out of reach.
Keep pets away from any hot coal or ashes from fire pits and barbecue grills to prevent burns.
Summer home products can be poisonous to your pets. Insecticides, fertilizers, rodenticides, citronella, insect coils, and tiki torch oils should all be kept out of reach.