We understand preventatives can be costly to owners. We offer single-dose purchases (monthly) and also offer a price break on 6 or more doses of most flea, tick and heartworm preventatives in addition to vendor rebates. Bravecto product price breaks when buying 2 or more packages!
Many of our vendors offer rebates, special offers and coupons that we pass along to you. Here is a list of our current specials. Please note that all offers are subject to change and availability. If you have any questions on any of the offers, please call us or inquire at your visit.
Thank you for choosing Sutton Animal Hospital as your preferred source of product information and supporting our small business.
Atopica: For Dogs: rebates of $10 on 2 boxes of 10mg; $15 on 2 boxes of 25mg; $40 on 2 boxes of 50mg; $60 on 2 boxes of 100mg. For cats: rebate of $20 on one box of 17ml. Expires December 31, 2019.
Bravecto: for Dogs and NEW! Bravecto Plus for Cats: Purchase 2 or more and SAH discount applies, plus
Purchase 2 doses, receive a $15 rebate, 4 doses, receive $35.00. Expires December 31, 2020.
Interceptor Plus: Purchase 12 doses, receive a $12 rebate. Expires December 31, 2020.
Zoetis Products: Apoquel, Convenia, Revolution, and Revolution Plus for Cats or Dogs: Earn reward points with each purchase to receive a VISA prepaid card to spend at the veterinary practice. Visit www.zoetispetcarerewards.com for more information.
Nutramax Products: Dasuquin Advanced with MSM, Solliquin, Welactin Advanced up to $10 rebate per product purchase,www.nutramax.com/rebates
Tri-Heart Plus: Purchase 6 months and receive a $6 rebate or purchase 12 months and receive a $12 rebate. Expires December 31, 2020.
Vet Classic Products: $5.00 mail-in rebate on No Scoot, Stop Stool Eating and more